GiliOcean Technology is a hi-tech company specializing in innovative sustainable fish farming. GiliOcean Technology has designed and currently operates the world’s largest offshore single-array fish farm in Open Ocean Production.
Established in 2004, GiliOcean Technology is a forerunner in third-generation marine aquaculture know-how. Identifying the future needs and problems of the growing world population and industry. Wanting to make a change, GiliOcean's team has decided to embark on a journey to transform the face of the fish farming industry, delivering a solution to the challenges that traditional fish farms face nowadays.
By incorporating advanced technologies into a traditional industry while simplifying operations, GiliOcean Technology manages to maximize efficiency and upscale the production of premium quality marine protein at open ocean sites.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 683610