GiliOcean Technology designed, manufactured, operates, and manages the world’s largest offshore commercial fish farm. Moving fish out to the open ocean, their natural habitat, where the oxygen levels are ideal, and the natural micro-elements help the fish grow faster and healthier, with negligible, to no use of antibiotics.
Our proprietary technology, which is based on a flexible, submersible, single-moored fish cage array, is an innovative system as well as the leading commercial solution for offshore mariculture. It can submerge in minutes, protecting the cages and the fish from stormy conditions. In addition, our use of flexible materials and a single-point mooring system enables a rotation of 360° degrees, allowing the cages to "go with the flow" rather than fight the ocean currents.
Having already withstood extreme sea conditions, waves of 11.3 & 11.7 meters in height, the SUBflex System can submerge, preventing brutal ocean forces from affecting the cages. During calm weather the array floats, easing access for feeding and maintenance. In addition, the advantages of having the array turning 360° according to the natural water currents are significant, as the fish residues are disbursed across a much larger area while continuously maintaining the cages clean and reducing the farm’s contamination. This prevents diseases, nearly eliminating the need for antibiotics. Additionally, the movement of the cage array is more natural for the fish, which is conducive to a healthier and more natural growing experience.
Apart from being the most resilient offshore aquaculture system, our Subflex system is:
Easy to operate (feeding, maintenance, etc.): The system floats on the surface, providing good access, and the cages are closer to each other, reducing maintenance time and costs.
High production volumes.
High modularity (multiple numbers of cages, multiple possible cage shapes, multiple cage sizes).
The adaptability of the System: tailor-made to the customers’ requirements and to specific environmental needs
Lower production costs of the System.
Highly environmentally-friendly system.
The largest single array offshore aquaculture commercial system in the world as of today.
Thanks to years of accumulated experience, knowledge, and knowhow, the extensive thought and cutting-edge engineering that was put into the Subflex system design, going out to the open ocean today can be cost-effective and highly economical.